PRODUCTS  | Industrial castors  | High  temperature | 16A-T
Phenolic resin wheels, wheels with rubber tyre and fiberglass polyamide centre,wheels with high temperature silicone rubber tyre with steel flanges,suitable for high temperature applications till 280°C,avaiable in a range of diameters between mm. 80 and mm. 250 and combined with the various types of medium duty and heavy duty castors allow capacities between Kg 80 and Kg 800.
-40 +280
80 ÷ 80 -40 +280
gres asfalto cemento

Wheel with high temperature silycone rubber tyre 80 Shore A. Aluminium centre. Hub on shielded ball bearings.

AVO | Via XX Settembre, 107 | 28883 Gravellona Toce (VB) ITALIA | T. +39 0323 869911 | F. +39 0323 865530 | E.
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