PRODUCTS  | Info  | Regulations

National and international standards (governing sizes and performance)
guarantee interchangeability and homogeneity in industrial applications
of castors and wheels. The most important body for setting standards
at the international level is ISO (International Standard Organisation),
which includes representatives of all the technologically advanced
nations. Italy participates in ISO meetings through UNI (the Italian
Certification Organisation). A special technical committee, ISO/TC
110, has set up a subcommission, SC3, specifically entrusted with the
standardisation of wheels and castors on trolleys used for internal
transport. AVO is a member of the Italian Union of Manufacturers of
Wheels and Castors UCIR; this group is in contact with the corresponding
groups in the 4th section of FEM (Federation Europeenne de la
Manutention), to which the European Union’s major manufacturers
of lifting and transport equipment all belong. The Italian Union of
Manufacturers of Wheels and Castors UCIR, is an active participant
in studies regarding the issuing of Europe-wide standards, to be the
subject of a study by a subcommission of the CEN (European Standards


Federation of National Associations of Various
Mechanical Industries and Related Industries.


Italian Union Manufacturing Wheels.

The regulations currently in effect are:

  • ISO 2163 (Terminology)
  • ISO 2175 (Dimensions and rated load capacities)
  • ISO 2184 (Rectangular plates with four holes foranchorage)
  • ISO 3101 (Triangular plates with three holes for anchorage)
  • ISO 3102 (Misalignment of freely turning castors)
  • UNI 9223 (Square plates with four holes for anchorage)
  • UNI 10128 (Misalignment of freely turning castors)
  • UNI 10129 (Plates   with three holes for anchorage)
  • UNI 10130 (Tang and plain bore connections)
  • UNI 10131 (Acceptance requirements and criteria)
  • UNI 10142 (Plates with four holes for anchorage)
  • EN 12527 Wheels and Castors - Tests - Methods and equipment
  • UNI EN 12532 Wheels and Castors up to 4 Km/h.



Industrial castors
Furniture castors
Special products
Hub rotation systems
Technical characteristics
Chemical resistance table
Assembly solutions
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AVO | Via XX Settembre, 107 | 28883 Gravellona Toce (VB) ITALIA | T. +39 0323 869911 | F. +39 0323 865530 | E.
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