PRODUCTS  | Info  | Assembly solutions

1 wheel with swivel castor
2 wheels with fixed castors
This is the most economical solution
for smaller trolleys with small load
capacities. It offers the advantage of
excellent manoeuvrability, but could
overturn if the load is off centre.



2 wheels with swivel castors
2 wheels with fixed castors

This is the ideal solution, offering
excellent load bearing capacity and
manoeuvrability and eliminating the
danger of overturning if loaded



4 wheels with
swivel castors

This solution is recommended for
trolleys which will be required to work
in confined spaces and will be pushed
or pulled from all sides. It offers the
advantage of excellent manoeuvrability 
                                           and load capacity



2  wheels with swivel castors
2 wheels with fixed castors
This is the ideal solution, offering
excellent load bearing capacity and
manoeuvrability and eliminating the
danger of overturning if loaded



4 wheels with
fixed castors

This solution is recommended for
medium-sized loads and trolleys
which travel predominantly in a
straight line. With no rotating parts
on the castors, maintenance is kept 
                                           to a minimum.



4 wheels with swivel castors
2 wheels with fixed castors 

This is the best solution for large
trolleys intended for heavy loads. It
offers excellent load capacity and
manoeuvrability with perfect stability.
The trolley may be pushed or pulled
                                           from either of the sides with pivoting
                                           castors on their wheels



Industrial castors
Furniture castors
Special products
Hub rotation systems
Technical characteristics
Chemical resistance table
Assembly solutions
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